block tin纯锡块,铸锡块,锡块
Block-level algorithms and resource loads块级别算法和资源负载
blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay阻断ELISA
Blocks. Building blocks. Erector sets.积木。建筑积木,整套的。
block pentadiagonal Toeplitz linear equations块五对角Toeplitz线性方程组
Block-elementary Matrix and it's Application
block-iterative algorithm with row projection行投影块迭代算法
Blocking the Adjustment/Calibration Functions封锁调校
Block locally double-diagonally dominant matrix块局部双对角占优矩阵
block in the anterosuperior division of the left branch左前分支传导阻滞
block in the posteroinferior division of the left branch左后下分支传导阻滞