And who knows, the speaker responsible for handing out good advice might be you. 谁知道,议长,负责移交了良好的意见,可能你的。
To see how, think about what happens to a farm as it is handed down the generations in a country without primogeniture. 要问原因,就想想在一个无长子继承制的国家中将一农场移交给下一代会发生什么事情吧。
Each month Mrs Tu Liang Yingzhen buys the best quality rice, and gives it to the neighborhood leader, who then hands it out to people in need. 涂梁英真每个月固定从儿孙给的生活费中,买最好的米济贫送到里长办公室,转交给需要帮助的人。
However, radio waves attenuate as they move out from the transmitting antenna. 然而,无线电波随者从传送的天线向外移动而衰减。
It can then move on to the next data queue and start to dequeue its packets out of the router interface onto the media. 它就会移到下一个数据队列,开始让数据包通过路由器接口传送到媒体上。
He sorted out the papers to be thrown away. 他把要处理掉的文件挑了出来。
I must chuck out all those old magazines. 我必须把所有的旧杂志处理掉。