Because of the quality and high standards of all Biodermis Family of Products, it is sold directly to Hospitals, Burn Centers, Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists and other spects. 由于本品牌产品的高品质和标准,所以能直接出售给医院,烧伤中心,整形外科,皮肤科医生和其他相关的专业领域。
Patients who receied the thrombolytic therapy at the uniersity's burn center were more likely to keep their frostbitten fingers and toes than patients who went without the drug. 在犹他大学烧伤中心接受溶拴治疗的烧伤病人较那些没有接受康血栓药物的病人更有可能保住自己冻伤的手指和脚趾。