His feeble excuses soon tailed off (into silence). 他的藉口站不住脚,很快就没词儿了(不作声了).
He tailed the spy to his hotel. 他跟踪那间谍到他住的旅馆。
The actor's voice tailed away as he forgot his lines. 那演员忘了台词,说话的声音越来越小了。
A rounded eyelike marking, as on the tail of a peacock. 眼状斑点圆形眼状的斑点,如孔雀尾巴上的
Some boys tailed after the parade. 有些孩子尾随在游行队伍之后。
Just at that point a devil let him have the feel of his tailed whip and cried: "Move on, you pimp, you can't cash in on women here!" 当他这样说时,一个恶鬼用鞭子抽打他,说道:“滚吧,王八蛋!这里没有女人替你赚钱。”