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authoritarian 经典引文

  • I don't want to sound authoritarian or fascist but there's only one useful approach to any human problem and that's a positive one.

    出自: P. Nichols
  • A parent who is too dominant may become frightening, and no one would wish to advocate a return to the authoritarian rule of the Victorian pater familias.

    出自: A. Storr
  • Whereas a free society cannot impose common social purposes, a government with Utopian aims has to, and is bound to become authoritarian.

    出自: B. Magee
authoritarian 怎么读 authoritarian 是什么意思
[ɔːˌθɒrɪ'teəriən] [ɔːˌθɒrɪ'teəriən] [əˌθɔːrə'teriən] [əˌθɔːrə'teriən]
adj. 权力主义的;独裁主义的
n. 独裁主义者;权力主义者
  1. a person who behaves in a tyrannical manner;

    "my boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime"

  1. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty;

    "an authoritarian regime"
    "autocratic government"
    "despotic rulers"
    "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"
    "a tyrannical government"

  2. expecting unquestioning obedience;

    "the timid child of authoritarian parents"
    "insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter"

  • dictatorialadj.独裁的;专政的
  • dictatorn.独裁者
  • tyrantn.暴君;专制的君主;专横的人
  • tyrannicaladj.暴虐的;压制的;残暴的
  • despoticadj.专横的;暴虐的
  • autocratic独裁的
  • strictadj.严格的;精确的;完全的
  • demandingadj.要求多的;吃力的动词demand的现在分词.
  • totalitarianadj.极权主义的n.极权主义者
  • absoluteadj.绝对的;确实的;专制的;完全的;独立的;无限制的n.绝对的事物
  • overbearingadj.傲慢的;骄傲自大的;蛮横的
  • tyrannicadj.暴虐的;专制君主的;独裁的=tyrannical.
  • 字母A开头的缩写
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