The Bishop sent for him, reproved him gently, and appointed him beadle in the cathedral. 主教却把他招来,轻轻责备了几句,派他去充当天主堂里的执礼杖者。
The beadle bolted in haste his last mouthful of fat bacon, washed down the greasy morsel with the last rinsings of the pot of ale. 牧师助理慌忙吞下最后一口肥腊腿,用瓶子里剩下的残酒把满口油腻冲下肚去。
The grim beadle now made a gesture with his staff. 狱吏此时用权杖做了个姿势。
They always sent their beadle the day before to say they were coming. 在他们来之前,总是先派一个小职员来知会他们要来。