The two soldiers rode up to the head of the caravan. 两个士兵骑马赶到旅行队的前头。
They were skilled and fearless horsemen who herded longhorn cattle up the trails from Mexico and Texas to provide beef to various military posts in the Wyoming territory. 他们都是熟练且无惧的骑马手,他们都曾沿著小径将长角牛从墨西哥及德州赶到怀俄明,以便将牛肉提供给驻扎在怀俄明境内的各个军事兵营。
His little daughter paddled up to him. 他的小女儿摇摇晃晃走到他跟前。
A man hurried up to me and asked what the time was. 一个男人急匆匆地走到我跟前问时间。