The baby boomers, who entered adulthood promising a lifetime of activism, have been a politically undistinguished generation. 出生于生育高峰的人,在成年后承诺行动主义,只是一代政治上平庸的一代。
The banking rescue, and Mr Brown's strutting promises of state activism, impressed enough voters for his poll numbers to rally last year. 挽救银行业和布朗先生对国家行动主义的承诺的支持,给在去年的重振经济的民意测验中为他投票的人留下了足够深刻的印象。
Japanese bosses gripe about activism, yet privately concede that the pressure is spurring many firms to increase returns to shareholders. 日本的老板抱怨激进主义,然而,私下却承认这种压力刺激了很多公司给股东增加了投资回报。
How do you think the Chinese government coped with the flood of online debate and activism triggered by the Tibet riots and the Sichuan earthquake? 中国政府应对网络上的大量争论以及西藏暴动和四川地震引起的激进主义,你对此有什么看法?