"the combination to the safe was a secret"
"he tried to keep his drinking a secret"
"the secret of Cajun cooking"
"how it got out is a mystery"
"it remains one of nature's secrets"
"a secret formula"
"secret ingredients"
"secret talks"
"clandestine intelligence operations"
"cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines"
"hole-and-corner intrigue"
"secret missions"
"a secret agent"
"secret sales of arms"
"surreptitious mobilization of troops"
"an undercover investigation"
"underground resistance"
"a secret marriage"
"a secret bride"
"their secret signal was a wink"
"secret messages"
"secret (or private) thoughts"
"a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole"
"a secret passage"
"the secret compartment in the desk"
"a privy place to rest and think"
"a secluded romantic spot"
"a secret garden"
"this arrangement must be kept confidential"
"their secret communications"
"a secret alcoholic"
"mysterious symbols"
"the mystical style of Blake"
"occult lore"
"the secret learning of the ancients"