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under coat英英释义

under coat的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
名词 undercoat:
  1. seal consisting of a coating of a tar or rubberlike material on the underside of a motor vehicle to retard corrosion

  2. the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface

  3. thick soft fur lying beneath the longer and coarser guard hair

动词 undercoat:
  1. cover with a primer; apply a primer to

under coat怎么读 under coat是什么意思
under coat的相关资料


underprep.低于;在 ... 下;在 ... 内;在 ... 控制下adv.在昏迷中;在 ... 下adj.下面的;从属的;少于的

undersigned all agree签署人一致同意

under the pretense of[法] 藉口; 以 ... 为托词

underprivileged homes贫困户

under water explosion水下爆炸


under water buildings水工建筑物

under seal of secrecyadj.保证严守秘密

Under the Lion' s Paw

undermoderated system慢化不足体系

undercurrent tripping欠流跳闸

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