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welled 英英释义

  1. a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine

  2. a cavity or vessel used to contain liquid

  3. an abundant source;

    "she was a well of information"

  4. an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)

  5. an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e.g. fish or a plane's landing gear or for protecting something as e.g. a ship's pumps

  1. in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury;

    "appears to be entirely well"
    "the wound is nearly well"
    "a well man"
    "I think I'm well; at least I feel well"

  2. resulting favorably;

    "it's a good thing that I wasn't there"
    "it is good that you stayed"
    "it is well that no one saw you"
    "all's well that ends well"

  3. wise or advantageous and hence advisable;

    "it would be well to start early"

  1. (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well');

    "the children behaved well"
    "a task well done"
    "the party went well"
    "he slept well"
    "a well-argued thesis"
    "a well-seasoned dish"
    "a well-planned party"
    "the baby can walk pretty good"

  2. thoroughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining form;

    "The problem is well understood"
    "she was well informed"
    "shake well before using"
    "in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked"
    "well-done beef"
    "well-satisfied customers"

  3. indicating high probability; in all likelihood;

    "I might well do it"
    "a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster"
    "you may well need your umbrella"
    "he could equally well be trying to deceive us"

  4. (used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully;

    "a book well worth reading"
    "was well aware of the difficulties ahead"
    "suspected only too well what might be going on"

  5. to a suitable or appropriate extent or degree;

    "the project was well underway"
    "the fetus has well developed organs"
    "his father was well pleased with his grades"

  6. favorably; with approval;

    "their neighbors spoke well of them"
    "he thought well of the book"

  7. to a great extent or degree;

    "I'm afraid the film was well over budget"
    "painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger"
    "the house has fallen considerably in value"
    "the price went up substantially"

  8. with great or especially intimate knowledge;

    "we knew them well"

  9. with prudence or propriety;

    "You would do well to say nothing more"
    "could not well refuse"

  10. with skill or in a pleasing manner;

    "she dances well"
    "he writes well"

  11. in a manner affording benefit or advantage;

    "she married well"
    "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle"

  12. in financial comfort;

    "They live well"
    "she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died"

  13. without unusual distress or resentment; with good humor;

    "took the joke well"
    "took the tragic news well"

  1. come up, as of a liquid;

    "Tears well in her eyes"
    "the currents well up"

welled 怎么读 welled 是什么意思
[wel] [wel] [wel] [wel]
adv. 很好地;相当地
int. 好吧;啊
adj. 健康的;良好的;适宜的
n. 井;源泉;楼梯井
v. 涌出
  1. well是一个常见的副词,其基本意思是“好”,用来说明事情做得很好,达到一定的水准或程度,也可表示“对,满意地,友好地,和蔼地,彻底地,完全地,夸奖地,称赞地”等,通常置于实义动词之后,若是及物动词则要放在直接宾语之后。
  2. well也可作“有理由地,恰当地,合理地,可能地,明智地”解,多用于can, could, may或might之后。
  3. well还可作“很,相当”解,指达到相当的程度。
  4. well的比较级为better,最高级为best。
  5. well作“很,相当”“彻底地,完全地”“有理由地,恰当地,合理地,可能地,明智地”解时不用于比较等级。
  6. well在句中作状语,可修饰动态动词、静态动词或介词短语。
  1. well用作形容词的基本意思是“健康”,表示健康状况,在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。
  2. well也可作“令人满意的,满足”解,在句中通常用作表语。
  3. well还可作“可取,相宜”解,在句中通常用作表语。
  4. well可用very修饰,比较级为better,最高级为best。
  5. well作“好,满意”“正好,最适当”“幸好,还好”解时无比较级和最高级形式。
  6. well还可用在讽刺、抱怨等语气中,作为表明反对意见以前的初步退让。
  1. well用作感叹词,用在表示惊讶、犹豫、疑惑、同意、接受或继续讲故事等场合中,可译作“啊,唷”“这个,好,哦”“于是”等。
  1. well用作名词的基本意思是“井,水井”,引申可表示“似井的空间”,如建筑物中的楼梯或电梯通道。
  2. well也作“泉”解,用于比喻可指“某事物的源泉或来源”。
  1. well用作动词的意思是“(像泉水般)流出,涌出,喷出”。
  2. well是不及物动词,常与副词out, over, up连用。
  • admirablyadv.极妙地;令人钦佩地
  • agreeablyadv.欣然;依照
  • closelyadv.紧密地;接近地;严密地;亲近地
  • fairlyadv.公正地;相当地
  • greatlyadv.很;非常;大大地
  • happilyadv.幸福地;快乐地;幸好;恰当地形容词happy的副词形式.
  • possiblyadv.可能地;也许
  • rightlyadv.正当地;公义地;正确地
  • warmlyadv.亲切地;温暖地;热烈地
  • healthyadj.健康的
  • strongadj.强烈的;坚强的;强壮的;强劲的;强大的;确凿的;有影响力的;坚定的;浓的;浓烈的;结实的;可能性大的;擅长的;大量的;稳固的;坚挺的;景气的;强硬的;重读的
  • vigorousadj.精力充沛的;有力的;元气旺盛的
  • goodadj.好的;上等的;优秀的n.好处;善行(复)goods:商品;货物.
  • properadj.合适的;正当的;真正的
  • rightadj.正确的;对的;右边的;合适的;重要的;完全的adv.正确地;直接地;向右;恰恰,就;立即;完全地n.权利;道理;正确;右边;右派v.扶直;纠正;公正对待;补偿;恢复平衡
  • happyadj.高兴的;幸福的;幸运的;乐意的
  • satisfactoryadj.令人满意的
  • successfuladj.成功的;圆满的
  • cavityn.洞;空穴;腔;蛀洞
  • holen.洞;孔;穴;漏洞;困境v.挖洞;掘坑;进洞
  • minepron.我的n.矿;地雷;矿藏v.采矿;用地雷炸
  • pooln.水塘;游泳池n.共同储金;联营;美式撞球v.共用;汇集
  • sourcen.来源;发源地;原始资料v.从...获得
  • springn.春天;春季;弹簧;弹力;跳;泉水;源头v.跳;弹;快速站起;突然提出;触发捕捉器;(使)裂开;爆炸;释放;涌出;生长;出现;耸立;(风)开始吹
  • floodv.淹没;充满n.洪水
  • flown.流动;涨潮;流;流量vi.流动;涌出;飘动;流畅vt.淹没
  • jetn.喷气式飞机;喷口;喷射;喷气式发动机v.喷射;喷出;搭乘喷射式飞机
  • risevi.上升;升起;增加;起床;反抗;复活n.上升;增加;斜坡;小山
  • springn.春天;春季;弹簧;弹力;跳;泉水;源头v.跳;弹;快速站起;突然提出;触发捕捉器;(使)裂开;爆炸;释放;涌出;生长;出现;耸立;(风)开始吹
  • streamn.(小)河;水流;(人;车;气)流;组v.流动;流出;飘动;将(学生)按能力分组
  • surgen.汹涌;波涛;猛增v.汹涌;涌起;激增;[海]缆绳滑脱
  • badlyadv.差的;严重地;恶劣地;极度地
  • illadj.坏的;有病的;恶意的;引起痛苦的adv.恶劣地;勉强地n.邪恶;不幸;祸害;坏话
  • sickadj.有病的;恶心的;腻烦的;晕的;令人毛骨悚然的n.病人;呕吐物vt.追逐;攻击;唆使
  • improperadj.不合适的;错误的;不道德的
  • wrongadj.错误的;有毛病的;不适当的;不道德的adv.错误地n.不义行为;坏事;犯罪;欺骗;错误;不公正v.冤枉;不公正地对待
  • well的用法和样例
    用作副词 (adv.)
    1. She speaks English very well.
    2. I can't sleep well because the tap is dripping.
    3. It was well worth waiting for.
    用作感叹词 (int.)
    1. Let me think for a minute. Well, I guess so.
    2. Well, who would have thought it?
      嗳, 谁想得到是这样啊?
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. Is she well enough to travel?
      她身体康复, 能够旅行了吗?
    2. We're very well where we are.
    3. It would be well to start early.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The police found the lost treasure in an abandoned well.
    2. She has the well of enthusiasm.
    3. She went up through the dark well of the house.
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