The project is sited in the flood plain of the Russian River, with deep, rich soil ideally suited for agriculture. 此工作室坐落在俄罗斯河流的洪泛区,地域富饶,土壤肥沃,非常适合农业生产。
This paper discusses the important role of flooding on flood plain areas, and analyses the PRED problem in floodplain areas in China. 本文论述了洪泛作用对洪泛区的景观维系和水资源可持续利用的重要意义及我国洪泛区可持续发展面临的主要问题。
Channels generally contain coarser sediment than do the adjacent flood plains. 河床沉积物一般比邻近的泛滥平原沉积物粗些。
A set of color panels can be seen in the extreme upper portion of the photograph above the flood plain deposits. 在照片最上部的漫滩堆积上可以看到一组彩色标板。
Currently, the main forecasting means are peak correlating method and Muskingum method, as well as empirical methods for handling over-bank flood. 现在主要用的预报方法有洪峰流量相关和马斯京根流量演算,以及漫滩洪水经验处理方法。
A set of color panels can be seen in the extreme upper portion of the photograph above the flood plain deposits. 在照片最上部的漫滩堆积上可以看到一组彩色标板。
Currently, the main forecasting means are peak correlating method and Muskingum method, as well as empirical methods for handling over-bank flood. 现在主要用的预报方法有洪峰流量相关和马斯京根流量演算,以及漫滩洪水经验处理方法。
Civilization flourished first on fertile flooded plains. 人类文明首先繁荣于肥沃的洪泛平原。