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body odour例句

body odour的用法和样例
用作名词 (n.)
  1. To keep the body fresh and free from unwanted odours, Amway has created two deodorant products that will swiftly put an end to embarrassing perspiration-related problems.
  2. It is later under coincidence, she made a boy friend, two people special conjugal love, but her boy friend also discovered her body odor, want to part company with her.
body odour怎么读 body odour是什么意思
n. 体臭;汗臭;狐臭
body odour的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
  1. malodorousness resulting from a failure to bathe

body odour的相关资料
  • body odor体臭
  • B.O.狐臭
  • 字母B开头的缩写
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