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head to head是什么意思 head to head怎么读

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head to head的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
  • 头对头,交头接耳地
head to head的相关资料



head to head的用法和样例
  • tell someone where to get to head in教训某人,斥责某人(告诫他不要忘乎所以),使某人知道自量,使某人有自知之明,叫某人不要太狂妄
  • go to one's head追根究底;发掘事实真相
  • head to前往;引至,通到;<非正>引出结果
  • come to a head(事情等)达到危急的关头
  • from head to footadv.从头至脚(全身)
  • gather to a headvi.成熟
  • draw to a headvi.达到顶点(酝酿成熟)
  • from the sole of the foot to the crown of the headadv.从头到脚
  • tell someone where to go to head in教训某人,斥责某人(告诫他不要忘乎所以),使某人知道自量,使某人有自知之明,叫某人不要太狂妄
  • 字母H开头的缩写
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