When Oscar and Lenny meet, a plan is put into action. 当奥斯卡跟雷尼巧遇后,一个计划俨然成形。
Just last night I ran into two friends, Ken and Barbara, at a restaurant. 就在昨晚,我在餐厅里巧遇两位朋友阿肯和芭芭拉。
You can't pursue the learning of English very long without bumping into beauty! 在追求英语的过程中,须臾你就会与美不期而遇!
McCartney wheeled our bikes into the slots, crossing paths with Chinese workers who had paid a few yuan to park their bikes there for the day. 麦克卡特尼把我们的车推到停车槽中,与一些在这里花几元钱停一天车的中国员工不期而遇。