preparation act预备行为
preparations for a pre-emptive attack进行先发制人打击的准备
Preparation of tretinoin dropping pills维甲酸滴丸的研制
Preparation of waterborne glazing agent水性上光油的研制
Preparation of ammonium ferrous sulfate硫酸亚铁铵的制备
Preparation of building sealant samples建筑密封胶试件的制备
Preparation of Mushroom Chicken Sausage香菇鸡肉肠的研制
Preparations proceeded night and day.准备工作在日夜进行。
Preparation of sugar-free pudding milk无糖布丁牛奶的研制开发
preparation for postgraduate examination考研
Preparation of cerium oxide nanoparicles二氧化铈纳米粒子的制备