A Freudian argument which told me that I only troubled about these things out of a sense of guilt.
出自: S. SpenderThere was something Freudian about my forgetfulness.
出自: J. I. M. Stewart"Freudian theories"
Freudianism弗洛伊德学说[学派], 精神[心理]分析学
Freudian slipn.(下意识的)失言;无意中说出心里话
freudian censor[医] 潜意识的抑制(精神分析)
freudian fixation[医] 精神发育固定
Freudian criticism弗洛伊德派批评理论
Freudian moral theory弗洛伊德主义道德理论
Freudian psychoanalysis弗洛依德精神分析
Freudian theory of personality佛洛依德人格理论
Freudian psychoanalytic school佛洛依德精神分析学派