He enjoyed taking the children out for long walks. 他喜欢带孩子出去作远距离散步。
This play of mine with you is a play from afar. 我们之间是远距离的游戏。
She heard a lamb bleating in the distance. 她听到一只羊在远处叫。
Our team beat theirs by a big score. 我队以悬殊比分击败他们的队。
There was a wide gap between their chess skills, and not long after the game started, one side was completely wiped out by the other. 他俩棋力悬殊,开局不多时,一方就被另一方杀了个片甲不留。
There is not a pin to choose between. 没有多大差别,完全一样。
Mainland China is, of course, a very different situation. 当然,大陆中国的情况有很大差别。