Butrun.巴特鲁(在澳大利亚;东经 139º42' 南纬 21º30')
butconj.但是prep.除 ... 以外adv.仅仅;只pron.无不
But treason is another matter.然而叛国就要另当别论了。
butoxybenzyl hyoscyamine bromide溴化丁氧苄天仙子碱
But how to become righteous?瓦斯纳
But there's only darkness insiden.瓦西里
But this grizzly liked people.可是这只灰熊却喜欢人。
But inwardly he felt dismayed.但在内心深处,他感到非常不安。
But are these views correct?瓦西翁
But those things are changing.但是这些事情也在变化中。
But the similarity ends there.但他俩的相似之处就仅此而已。
But Scotland Yard was stumped.但是伦敦警察厅却一筹莫展。