I thought you had risen above lying to your mother. 我以为你已经克服了对你母亲说谎的毛病了。
He managed to rise above the problem facing him. 他设法克服了他面临的困境。
Any nose may ravage with impunity a rise. 任何一个鼻子都可以夺走蔷薇的芳香而不受惩罚。
It offers the clearest barometer of the rise in protectionist pressures as governments try to shield domestic industries from the effects of the economic and financial crisis. 这最清楚地表明了随着各国政府努力保护本国产业不受经济和金融危机影响,保护主义压力有所增大。
He towered above the rest in mathematics. 他在数学方面出类拔萃。
As an original contributor to socialist thinking,and as a spell-binding orator,he towered above other members of the party. 作为一个给社会主义思想带来独创观念的人,作为一个使听众入迷的演说家,他是该党党员中出类拔萃的人物。