I heard him knock out his pipe on the mantelpiece. 我听到他在壁炉上敲出烟灰的声音。
Please see the pattern he has hammered out. 请参看他敲出的这个模子。
He was defeated with a knock out. 他被击倒出局。
The brick connected on her head, knocking her out. 砖击中了她的头部并把她击倒了。
His hopes were nearly snuffed out. 他的希望几乎都被打破了。
He broke the window so that he could shoot out. 他打破了窗户,便可以向外开枪了。
He smiled, and his smile revealed the loss of two front teeth, knocked out by the butt-end of a gun at Ismail. 上尉答道,他的鼻子涨红了,面露微笑,微笑时张开他在伊兹梅尔城下被枪托打落两颗门牙的缺口。
The other boxer put Jim out in the third round. 第三个回合拳击手将吉姆打昏了。
The pit-prop fell on his head and knocked him out. 坑木掉在他头上,把他打昏过去。