In a word, Americans love to travel in their own land as well as in other parts of the world. 总而言之,美国人喜欢在国内旅游,也喜欢到世界其他地区观光。
England is, and has always been, a country infested with people who love to tell up what to do, but who rarely seem to know what's going on. 英格兰这国家过去和现在一样,到处可碰见这样的人:他们喜欢发号施令,但对正在发生的事情却似乎知之甚少。
The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her if she is pretty and to someone else if she is plain. 对待女性的唯一方法是:假使她长得漂后就追,若是长得不怎么样就追别的。