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neck and neck词汇搭配

neck and neck的用法和样例
  • tie neck and heels把…牢牢地捆起来
  • neck and cropadv.干脆
  • neck and heels全身
  • neck and neck并驾齐驱;不分上下
  • neck and neck怎么读 neck and neck是什么意思
    [nek ænd nek] [nek ænd nek] [nek ənd nek] [nek ənd nek]
    neck and neck的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
    1. inconclusive as to outcome; close or just even in a race or comparison or competition;

      "as they approached the finish line they were neck and neck"
      "the election was a nip and tuck affair"

    1. even or close in a race or competition or comparison;

      "the horses ran neck and neck"
      "he won nip and tuck"

    neck and neck的相关资料
  • nip and tuck势均力敌; 不相上下
  • head-to-headn.肉搏战;白刃战
  • 字母N开头的缩写
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