After a stop to lay a wreath at Russia's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Mr.Obama will head to the Kremlin for a private meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. 在他短暂停留为俄罗斯无名烈士墓献了花圈之后,奥巴马会到克里姆林宫与俄罗斯总统进行个人会谈。
After a brief stop on the coast, Lowe drifted toward the interior, eventually landing in the Piedmont section of South Carolina near the present-day town of Union. 在海岸作短暂停留以后,洛朝内地飞去,最终降落在南卡罗来纳州的皮德蒙特区,靠近现今的尤尼恩城。