The linings of the brake shoes are moved hydraulically against the brake drum to stop its rotation. 加衬里的制动闸被移动对着鼓状闸来使其停止转动。
Plants that lack this brake end up with a hair-trigger response to infection,which helps them to snuff out a smouldering infection before it catches. 缺少这种制动闸的植物最后对感染会有一触即发的反应,这有助于它们在发病前消灭潜伏的感染。
It offers the theoretical foundation for the fact that the laser improves rub performance of weave brake tape. 为用激光改善编织制动带的摩擦性能提供了理论依据。
All brake linings and bands of life boat winch need to be renewed. 救生艇吊机的所有刹车带及刹车片换新。