The windows have beautiful stained glass insets. 窗户上镶着漂亮的彩色玻璃。
It will then be possible to block all of the peaks but one, by using absorbing filters of colored glass or gelatin. 利用彩色玻璃或彩色胶片的吸收滤光片,就可以把别的峰都挡掉而只留下一个峰。
Egyptian glass articles were of colored glass, often beautifully patterned. 埃及的玻璃制品是有色玻璃,经常饰以美丽的图案。
When Markus shined a flashlight through the tinted glass where a security camera should be, he discovered a PC installed to siphon data. 当马库斯将手电筒打开并透过一块有色玻璃将光束照射到应该是一个安保摄像头放置的地方时,他发现了那儿还安装了一台传送数据的电脑。