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tone 英英释义

  1. the quality of a person's voice;

    "he began in a conversational tone"
    "he spoke in a nervous tone of voice"

  2. (linguistics) a pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages;

    "the Beijing dialect uses four tones"

  3. (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound);

    "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely"
    "the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet"

  4. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people;

    "the feel of the city excited him"
    "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"
    "it had the smell of treason"

  5. a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color;

    "after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted"

  6. a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound;

    "the singer held the note too long"

  7. a steady sound without overtones;

    "they tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies"

  8. the elastic tension of living muscles, arteries, etc. that facilitate response to stimuli;

    "the doctor tested my tonicity"

  9. a musical interval of two semitones

  10. the quality of something (an act or a piece of writing) that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author;

    "the general tone of articles appearing in the newspapers is that the government should withdraw"
    "from the tone of her behavior I gathered that I had outstayed my welcome"

  1. utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically;

    "The students chanted the same slogan over and over again"

  2. vary the pitch of one's speech

  3. change the color or tone of;

    "tone a negative"

  4. change to a color image;

    "tone a photographic image"

  5. give a healthy elasticity to;

    "Let's tone our muscles"

tone 怎么读 tone 是什么意思
[təʊn] [təʊn] [toʊn] [toʊn]
n. 语气;音调;调子;色调;风气
v. 使更健壮;定调;调色;装腔作势地说
  1. 表示方式in+形容词+tone(s)表示“以什么样的语气,口吻”,其单复数常可混用,表达相同意思。

    He spoke in an angry tone.

  2. 在特定的几种表达方式中,tone不可用tones来随意替换,如in atoneof apology和in atoneof command等。
  • soundn.声音;嘈杂声;音乐风格;曲调;印象;感觉;海峡;鱼鳔;探针v.听起来;感觉起来;发出声音;发音;探测深度;探询adj.有效的;合理的;可靠的;全面的;健康的;完好的;酣睡的;严厉的adv.酣畅地
  • qualityn.品质;才能;特质adj.高品质的;<英俚>棒极了
  • tintn.色彩; 浅色; 染发剂vt.给 ... 染色
  • pitchn.球场;程度;音调;推销;投掷;街头商贩摊位;沥青;树脂;松脂v.投;颠簸;搭帐篷;定调;推销;用沥青覆盖
  • shaden.阴影;遮蔽;遮光物;(色彩的)浓淡vt.遮蔽;使阴暗;使渐变;略减(价格)vi.渐变
  • charactern.个性;品质;字符;人物;名誉;地位adj.[剧](角色)代表某一特性的
  • colorn.颜色;彩色;颜料vt.渲染;把 ... 涂颜色vi.脸红;着色;影响,左右=colour(英)
  • huen.色调;色彩;样子;意味;信仰;喊叫
  • timbren.音色;音质
  • feelv.感觉;觉得;触摸;摸起来;认为;摸索n.感觉;触觉
  • mannern.举止;礼貌;方式;习俗
  • attituden.态度;看法;姿势
  • atmospheren.大气;空气;气氛;气压
  • vigorn.活力;精力
  • ambiencen.气氛
  • ambiancen.环境;气氛
  • shapen.形状;形式;身材;定形vt.塑造;定形;使 ... 成形
  • noten.笔记;便条;纸币;音符;票据;注解;音调vt.注意;记录;注解
  • colourn.颜色;颜料;彩色;肤色vt.给 ... 着色;渲染;影响vi.染色;脸红=color(美)
  • conditionn.条件;情况v.训练;决定;以 ... 为条件;护理(头发)
  • spiritn.精神;心灵;幽灵;精灵(复)spirits:精力;情绪;烈酒.v.使精神振作;偷偷带走
  • keyn.键;关键;钥匙;答案adj.关键的;主要的vt.键入;用钥匙锁上;为 ... 调音
  • stainn.污点;瑕疵;着色剂;染料v.弄脏;玷污;着色
  • moodn.心情;情绪;气氛
  • naturen.自然界;性质;自然;自然状态;本性;类型
  • intonationn.语调;声调
  • complexionn.肤色;面色;体质;特性;局面
  • stylen.文体;风格;式样;时尚;类型
  • tingen.淡色;些微气味(常与with连用);一丝痕迹v.微染
  • odorn.气味;名声;气息
  • bouquetn.花束;称赞;酒香
  • musicn.音乐;美妙的声音;乐谱
  • veinn.静脉;纹理;叶脉;岩脉vt.使有脉络;用脉络装饰
  • kidneyn.肾;腰子;类型
  • accentn.重音;口音;强调vt.重读;强调
  • fitnessn.健康;适合
  • expressionn.表情;表示;表达;词句;措辞;表现;挤压
  • tone up使更强壮; 使更健康
  • stepn.步骤;台阶;舞步;步伐v.踏;以步测量
  • tonusn.肌肉的强直性;强直性痉挛
  • intonev.吟咏;吟诵
  • flavorn.风味;特殊的滋味;风格;调味品vt.加调料于...;给...添加情趣
  • inflectv.弯曲;改变;使屈曲
  • flavourn.味道;风味;韵味vt.给...加味;给...增添风趣
  • whole stepn.全音程
  • musical note[音]乐符; 谱号
  • tincturen.气息;染料;色泽v.着色于
  • lookv.看;寻找;显得看起来;注视;面向n.看;样子;脸色
  • tonicityn.音调;强壮;弹性
  • tone of voice嗓音; 口气
  • feelingn.感觉;知觉;气氛;鉴赏力;反感adj.有感情的;富于同情心的;含情脉脉的(复)feelings:感情.
  • modulatev.调整;调节(声音);变调
  • smelln.气味;嗅觉;嗅v.嗅;闻;散发气味;有臭味;察觉
  • strengthenv.加强;变坚固
  • whole tone全音
  • chantn.圣歌;赞美诗;旋律;喊叫v.吟唱;诵扬;叫喊
  • pure tonen.纯音;正弦波音
  • timbern.木材;木料
  • tone的用法和样例
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He often speaks in an arrogant tone.
    2. I dislike his airy tone of voice.
    3. That violin has a beautiful tone.
    4. The tone of the meeting was pleasant and innocuous.
    5. The green wallpaper had a particularly somber tone.
    6. The tone of the school is excellent.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Swimming is the best way to tone up your body .
    2. Tone that radio down,please.
    3. She was trying to tone down the colors of the picture.
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