LAS then grabbed offensive rebounds, but his shot but missed the rim and then shot outside of the LAS or attempted. 随后阿联抢下进攻篮板,但他的投篮却偏出篮筐,接着阿联的外线远投还是偏出。
That quiet confidence has always been there and after adding a legitimate three-point shot to his repertoire he is on the verge of having a big year this season. 那种不外露的自信总是可以在他身上找到,而且在他练就了一手不俗的三分远投功夫之后,在接著下来的赛季里他会攀上职业生涯的另一座高峰。
The goalie saved brilliantly from Johnson's long-range shot. 守门员漂亮地扑挡了约翰逊的远射。
This can open up to your window to a endless amount of long range combos. 这可以在你的操作中开启无尽的远射组合。