I screwed up the note and throw it on the fire. 我把便条揉成团扔进火里了。
In the old ages, lepers were often put into fire. 在过去,麻疯病患者经常被扔进大火中烧死。
Please don't chop in as much as you're doing. 请别老是这样没完没了地插话。
John chipped in that it was time to go home. 约翰插话说,该回家了。
Mother always buys things in stores where they give trading stamps. 母亲总是附送赠券的店里买东西。
Throw in a lucky get-rich- quick cat, and the Japanese gourmand is hooked. 外加日本招财猫,牢牢套住日本老饕的胃。
The time-honored search for a soul mate has always been one part humiliation, two parts aggravation, and a little blind luck thrown in for the fortunate. 从很早以前,人们就发现,邂逅生命中的另一半的黄金公式,往往是一分颜面尽失,外加两分恼羞成怒,幸运儿则多了那麽点瞎猫碰到死耗子的运气。