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washing out是什么意思 washing out怎么读

washing out的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
动词 wash out:
  1. prevent or interrupt due to rain

  2. wash free from unwanted substances, such as dirt

  3. wear or destroy by the force of water

  4. remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent

  5. deplete of strength or vitality

  6. drain off the color in the course of laundering

  7. lose color in the process of being washed

washing out的相关资料


washing flow冲洗流量

washing mill洗涤碾磨机

washing soap洗衣皂,肥皂

washing sink洗碗池

washing loss洗涤损失

washing drum洗鼓,洗涤圆筒

washing tray冲洗盘

washing wheat清洗小麦

washing-out洗去; 冲去

washing house洗衣场设计

washing out的用法和样例
  1. I've just put my washing out to dry and so you can be as sure as eggs is eggs that it will not rain within the hour!
  2. Just a moment, I'll hang my washing out and then we'll go.
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