His style of argument in meetings is not so much aggressive as pertinacious. 他在会议上的辩论态度并非锋芒逼人而是坚持己见。
Red fire ants are very aggressive and readily attack anything that disturb them. 红火蚁攻击性强,容易攻击任何干扰它们的生物。
America has a lot of aggressive weapons now. 美国现在有很多进攻性武器。
The world dooms itself to war because man is aggressive at heart. 这世界注定有战争,因为人的内心是好斗的。
But what impresses most is that they are aggressive in their career and responsible to their families and respectful to females. 但最印象深刻的,上海男人在事业上有进取心,对家庭有很强的责任感,而且尊重女性。
John was an aggressive guy, who did his job well. 约翰是一个很有上进心的小伙子,他的工作很出色。