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battle over是什么意思 battle over怎么读

因 ... 的战斗
battle over的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
  • 因…的战斗
battle over的相关资料


battlen.战斗;争斗v.与 ... 作战;与 ... 竞争

battle front rescue火线抢救; 阵地救护

Battle of Gaugamela高加梅拉战役(公元前331)

Battle of the Bugle坦克大决战;坦克大战

battledore placenta球拍状胎盘

battle damage model战伤模型

Battle of Aiguillon艾吉永之战(1346)

Battley rs sedative巴特利氏镇静剂

Battle of Agnadello阿纳迪洛之战(1509)

battle of the books笔墨官司

Battle of Aix Roads艾克斯锚地之战(1809)

battle over的用法和样例
  1. Aging ex-opera czar Sir Rudolf Bing and his wife flew here from London yesterday to face the music in a long-running legal battle over their marriage.
  2. Sam and his wife had a running battle over whether they should buy a new cooker, Sam didn't want to get one but his wife did.
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