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credit union例句

credit union的用法和样例
用作名词 (n.)
  1. Credit co-operatives have just started functioning.
  2. Despite China's extensive banking system, which includes government rural credit co-operatives that are meant to serve poor people in the countryside, the neediest are left out.
credit union怎么读 credit union是什么意思
['kredɪt 'juːnjən] ['kredɪt 'juːnjən] ['kredɪt 'juːnjən] ['kredɪt 'juːnjən]
n. 信用合作社;合会
credit union的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
  • 存款互助会
credit union的相关资料

credit to把 ... 记入 ...

creditn.信用;荣誉;学分;赞扬;贷款;赊欠;贷方;存款(复)credits: 演职员名单.v.归功于;相信;记入贷方

credit card authorization信用卡授权

credit-card call system信用卡通话制

credit information system征信体系

credit revorting industry征信行业

credit for returned goods退货冲减

credit and status enquiry资信调查

credit reporting agencies信用报告机构

credit-tranche position贷款权

credit-based scheduling基于令牌的调度

credit information bureau征信所

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