Storms such as this lift dust particles high above Mars' surface, where water ice condenses onto them, forming wispy white clouds. 类似这样的风暴将尘埃颗粒卷到火星地表上空,由于水冰凝结在尘粒上,便形成了我们在图片中看到的纤细的白云。
The dust mites danced in the ray of sunshine that provided the only light in the rabbi's office. 微尘在射进拉比办公室的那缕阳光中飞舞着,那缕阳光是拉比办公室里惟一的光源。
The child ever dwells in the mystery of ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history. 稚童们永居于不朽岁月的玄妙中,不因历史之微尘而晦黯失色。