Profiles end powder frost after cold sealing for aluminium alloy profiles is generaed by over sealing of anodized film. 介绍了铝合金型材常温封孔后料端粉霜缺陷的产生机理,其实质是氧化膜的过封孔粉霜。
A teammate cannot leave the platform before an incoming swimmer has touched the end wall. 当一个选手还未触及端壁时,下一个队友不得从出发台出发。
Tracheids have heavily lignified walls and the only connection between adjacent tracheids is through paired pits, which are mainly concentrated in the end walls. 管胞的细胞壁高度木质化,相邻管胞之间的仅有的连接通过集中位于端壁的成对存在的纹孔。