Because eavesdropping changes the physical nature of the information, users in a quantum exchange can easily detect eavesdroppers. 偷听兑换信息的物质性质,用户在一量内交换能容易发现偷听的人。
Bright soliton pairs propagating in the birefringent fiber with the anomalous dispersion exchange the energy periodically by the couple between them. 在反常色散的双折射光纤中传输的亮孤子对之间由于耦合周期性地交换能量,一个亮孤子可把能量完全传给另一个亮孤子,因此双折射光纤可作亮孤子开关。
This condition effectively relaxes the momentum conservation requirement governing electron-photon energy transfer, which boosts the rate of light emission by the semiconductor. 运用这种现象将可突破电子与光子交换能量时的动量守恒限制,大幅提高半导体的发光效率。