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Institute for Molecular Science什么意思

中文全称: 分子科学研究所
词条简介: The aim of Institute for Molecular Science is to investigate fundamental properties of molecules and molecular assemblies through both experimental and theoretical methods. Since its inception, IMS has made its facilities available to the wolrdwide scientific community, a policy which has fostered many joint programs involving IMS scientists.
Infrastructure Managed Services基础设施管理服务 I Must Say我必须说 Institute for Molecular Science分子科学研究所 Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee)为中心的智能养护管理系统(威斯康辛大学密尔沃基) Information Management System信息管理系统 Indicators Monitoring Survey指标监测问卷调查 Institute for Microstructural Sciences (National Research Council, Canada)科学研究所的微观结构、加拿大国家研究委员会() IP multimedia Subsystem因特网协议(IP)多媒体子系统 Intelligent Manufacturing System智能制造系统 Interactive Marketing Solutions交互行销的解决方案 Interactive Multimedia Service交互式多媒体服务 Inventory Management System库存管理制度 International Magnetospheric Study国际磁层研究 Institute of Marine Sciences海洋科学研究所 Injection Molded Soldering注塑焊接
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