Heinon.海诺(在荷兰;东经 6º14' 北纬 52º26')
He purged himself with calomel.他使用氯化亚汞通大便。
He sauced criticism with flattery他用谄媚来冲淡批评。
He laboured hard without avail.他徒劳无功。
He thirsted for Turkish coffee.他非常想喝到土耳其咖啡。
He always sticks to convention.他总是墨守成规。
He can appreciate modern music.他很欣赏现代音乐。
he looked at her calculatingly.他诡计多端地看着她。
He beguiled me into consenting.他甜言蜜语地使我答应了。
He was a backstage manipulator.他是幕后人物。
He left the article unfinished.他搁下未写完的文章。