Cook, the cook, took the cookbook to cook good root food. 库克厨师拿了食谱,煮出好吃的根菜类。
A true yam is a starchy edible root generally imported to the United States from the Caribbean. 真正的番薯是指一种可使用的淀粉质根菜类食物,通常从加勒比海输入美国。
Zinc,found in root vegetables including potatoes,carrots and swedes and also in sesame seeds,is needed for hair growth. 在块根类蔬菜如土豆,胡萝卜和瑞典芜菁,另外芝麻中也含有的锌元素,是头发生长所必需的。
Accordingly, a woman with a child in her arms approached the tree, carrying root vegetables and two fish in her hands. 后来,一位抱着小孩的妇女靠近那棵树,手里还拿着一些块根类蔬菜和两条鱼。