The fascists massacred those women and children in cold blood. 法西斯分子惨无人道地屠杀了那些妇女儿童。
Cadwallader shall summon Conanus and shall make an alliance with Albany.Then the foreigners shall be slaughtered, and the rivers will run with blood. 卡德瓦拉德会召集康沃尔人,会与奥尔巴尼结盟,然后外国人会被屠杀,血流成河。
Now you are accursed,and banished from the ground which has opened itsmouth wide to receive your brother's blood,which you have shed. 你受到控诉,你要被流放,逐离这块吞噬被你残杀的兄弟的鲜血的土地。