In fact, the city of New Haven, Connecticut knows this for a fact. 实际上,康涅狄格州的纽黑文城见证了这一事实。
Now that I had lost in Connecticut, if I didn't win in New York, the nomination would be in danger again. 现在我已经在康涅狄格州输了,如果在纽约州不能赢的话,我获得总统提名就会再次面临危险。
He was hired as a teacher in a new school for the deaf in Boston, Massachusetts. 他受雇于马萨诸塞州波士顿一所新办的聋哑人学校。
Massachusetts, located in the heart of New England, is the region's most populous state. 马萨诸塞州,坐落在新英格兰地区的中心地带,是这个地区人口最多的州。
But the court said the law was unclear in New York and Rhode Island, and sent that part of the case back to a lower court for clarification. 但是该法院说,纽约州和罗德岛州的法律不是很清楚,部分案件将移送一个下级法院进行处理。
The new Colossus will be built in Ankandia, the eastern-most harbor of Rhodes, and will also be visible to passing ships like its predecessor. 新巨像将在原址罗德岛最东端港口安卡迪亚市搭造,完工后将如原巨像一般,港前过往船只都看得到。
It seems as if all of New Hampshire is looking for Patty. 仿佛整个新罕布什尔州都在寻找帕蒂。
Dwayne was an executive with a shoe manufacturer in New Hampshire. 德韦恩是新罕布什尔州一家制鞋厂的经理。