Flamingos stand in a salt lake in Larnaca, Cyprus. 塞浦路斯的拉纳卡市一个盐湖中的火烈鸟。
The name comes from a great salt lake nearby. 这个名字来源于附近的一个大盐湖。
Where a flat expanse of mud flats, salt pans and fish farms reaches the Bohai Gulf, a vast ship looms through the polluted haze. 滩滩泥沼水平延伸,个个盐池和渔场直伸入渤海湾,灰色的烟雾之中,一艘巨轮若隐若现。
Situated at the northern foot of Zhongtiao Mountain, it faces Yanchi Lake to the east, in the midst of magnificent natural scenery. 它南靠中条山,东近盐池,湖光山色,壮丽非凡。