She was not especially pretty.她不是特别漂亮。
She cooks and washes everyday.她每天煮饭洗衣。
She handed in her resignation.她提交了辞呈。
She was three months pregnant.她怀孕3个月了。
She urged having a discussion.她力求进行讨论。
She wept over her misfortunes.她因她的不幸而哭泣。
She quieted the fretful child.她让这个急躁的孩子平静下来。
She anxiously looked her back.她不安地回头看。
She teased me for ice-cream.她吵着要我买冰淇淋。
She growled a sarcastic reply.她以讥讽的口吻咬牙切齿地作了回答。