Shezorn.谢佐尔(位于巴勒斯坦地区;东经 35º20' 北纬 32º56')
She riffled her husband's diary.
She is afflicted with arthritis.她患关节炎.
She works Monday through Friday.她周一到周五上班。
She married beneath her station.她嫁给一个社会地位比她低的人。
She could feel herself blushing.她可以感到脸都红了。
She professed herself convinced.她声称自己已经明白了[同意了]。
She kept on mutteringto herself.她老是一个人嘀嘀咕咕。
She is spouting unwanted advice.她在装腔作势地说出多余的忠告。
She bought favour with flattery.她以阿谀奉承博得宠幸。
She was betrothed to Mr.Jones.她已和琼斯先生订婚。