The soil should be turned over with a fork. 应当用耙子把土翻过来。
She flipped an egg over in the pan. 她把平锅里的鸡蛋猛然翻过来。
I listened, rapt, as professional trainers explained how they taught dolphins to flip and elephants to paint. 我痴迷地聆听着专业驯养员解释他们如何教海豚翻筋斗,教大象学画画。
The male encourages the female's cannibalistic tendencies, somersaulting over her mouth parts as he transfers sperm into her, she says. 她说,雄性鼓励了雌性性食同类的倾向,它们在把精液注入雌蜘蛛体内的同时在她嘴边翻筋斗。