NEXT DAY when Prince Andrey thought of the ball it did not occupy his mind for long. 第二天,安德烈公爵想起了昨天的舞会,但他的心绪没有长久地驻留于舞会。
Television captures visuals and audios that are spread rapidly around the world and theoretically can last forever. 电视所捕捉到的视频和音频信息会被迅速地传遍全球,并在理论上可永久地存在。
I had not known that before, or I had forgotten it, but in the next room we found the crib where I slept until I was four years old and that my grandmother kept forever. 我以前并不知道这点,也许是忘记了,但是在隔壁的房间里我们发现了那个我一直睡到四岁的婴儿床,是我外祖母把它永久地保存了起来。