Use the adhesive plaster to connect the film and paper pipe tightly after fixing. 穿好胶膜后用胶布将胶膜牢牢的贴在收料纸管上。
And the film forming and their properties of latexes were also invesitgated. 考察了复合乳液的成膜性及胶膜性质。
The film on the lower surface can be bent upwards along the edges of the plate. 可将粘在下表面上的胶纸沿板边折上。
What type of adhesive tape is not clear, bought with the supplier, says that she is not very clear, just nonsticking. 胶纸是啥典范榜样的不离不澄辉了,当来时带的,不求不圆也说不太澄辉,只是发觉不粘。