We hear them in sound bites trampling our sensibilities by comparing the Big Bang or some subatomic particle to God. 我们听到他们在媒体上以寥寥数语,把大霹雳理论或是某种次原子粒子拿来与上帝相比拟,让我们无法理解。
Physicists cannot see subatomic particles directly, for instance, so they verify their existence by watching for telltale tracks that the particles leave in cloud chambers. 例如物理学家无法直接观察次原子粒子,因此他们观察那些粒子在云雾室中的轨迹,轨迹证实它们的存在,并透露了它们的性质。
Eventually, we would create another sub-level of subatomic particles that would become dense matter. 最后,我们会创造另一种亚原子微粒的低层面级别,亚原子微粒会变成为稠密物质。