误We admired that he was courageous.
正We admired him for his courage.
她为他的诗而称赞他。误She admired him his poems.
正She admired his poems.
正She admired him for his poems.
他们都赞赏他那样做。误They all admired him behaving in that manner.
误They all admired him to be behaving in that manner.
正They all admired his behaving in that manner.
她非常钦佩他的学识。误She admired his learning much.
正She much admired his learning.
正She admired his learning very much.
析当much单独修饰admire时,应放在其前而不可放在其后,用very much修饰admire时,则既可放在其前,也可放在句末。