误She became to like swimming.
正She began to like swimming.
妇女们正在变得更加独立自主。误Women are becoming to be more independent.
正Women are becoming more independent.
他最近怎么样?误What has become to him lately?
正What has become of him lately?
析become of表示“…怎么样”,是习语,此处的of不能用to替代。
该货变成畅销货将近一年了。误This product has become a best seller for nearly one year.
正This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.
他当了两年技术员。误He has become a technician for two years.
正He became a technician two years ago.
正It is two years since he became a technician.
这些相同之处使他们成为知己。误These similarities made them become close friends.
正These similarities made them close friends.
她脸变得和一张白纸一样。误She was become as white as a sheet.
正She became as white as a sheet.